Hand and power tool distributor Damar International has won the SED Award for Excellence for their innovative Slide Sledge. Managing director Brian Martin reports massive interest from the construction, engineering, plant and agricultural industries following an online PR campaign by specialist Ainsworth Maguire.
“The Slide Sledge transforms many dangerous two-man operations that were usually undertaken with a traditional sledge hammer, like the removal of bolts and retaining pins on construction plant, into a safer and more efficient one-man process. The team at Ainsworth Maguire helped us to cost effectively get that message out to a broad range of traditional print and on-line business and construction media, producing many opportunities for us to demonstrate and sell the tool,” commented Brian.
Ainsworth Maguire founder Kevin Ainsworth explained, “This is the fourth project that Brian has done through our PR service and we are delighted to see him getting industry recognition for an outstanding product. We work with companies like Damar all the time and it is fantastic to see them break through, particularly when so many businesses shy away from PR because of the cost of traditional agencies.”
The web is transforming the way many businesses operate. Ainsworth and his business partner Adrian Maguire, both members of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, have been in business for more than 20 years. Brian Martin explained, “Many online PR web sites are just automated services. We chose to work with the online PR team at Ainsworth Maguire because they are real industry public relations specialists with writing skills, in depth knowledge of new and traditional media and provide everything you expect from a proper PR company.”
More Information
Brian Martin, Managing Director, Damar International Ltd
Clipper Road, Troon Industrial Estate, Leicester, LE4 9JE, UK
Tel. +44 (0)1162 764144 Fax. +44 (0)1162 460663
E-mail: sales@damar.biz Web: www.damar.biz
Release issued: June 5, 2007
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